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An Effective Solution to a Stubborn Issue

Submental liposuction, or chin liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat and sculpt the area under the chin and jawline. This procedure can effectively address a "double chin" or fullness in the submental region, resulting in a more defined and youthful appearance. Submental liposuction is a minimally invasive technique that can significantly improve facial contours and overall aesthetic harmony.

Is Submental Liposuction Right for Me?

Submental liposuction is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance the contour of their neck and jawline. Good candidates for submental liposuction typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Desire to reduce the appearance of a double chin or excess fat under the chin
  • Good overall health and no underlying medical conditions that may impair healing
  • Stable body weight and realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure

What Are Some of the Benefits of Submental Liposuction?

It’s been our pleasure to serve our clients with this elegant procedure and see them reap the benefits, which include:

  • Reduction of a "double chin" or excess fat under the chin
  • Enhanced definition and sculpting of the jawline and neck
  • Minimally invasive procedure with small, inconspicuous incisions
  • Short recovery period with minimal discomfort
  • Long-lasting results when combined with a stable weight and healthy lifestyle practices

Your Initial Consultation

As a prospective patient considering submental liposuction, your consultation with Dr. Michael Kim is an opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns in a supportive and professional environment. Dr. Kim, one of the best facial plastic surgeons in the Portland area, will thoroughly assess your facial anatomy and discuss your desired outcomes. His expertise in facial plastic surgery and head and neck surgery, and his track record of consistently delivering beautiful and natural results, ensures that you will receive personalized attention and expert guidance tailored to your unique needs.

The Submental Liposuction Procedure

During the submental liposuction procedure, Dr. Kim utilizes advanced techniques to remove excess fat from the submental area. The procedure typically involves making small, inconspicuous incisions beneath the chin or behind the ears. Dr. Kim then uses a specialized liposuction cannula to gently remove the targeted fat, sculpting a more refined and harmonious contour to the chin and neck. If skin laxity is a concern, Dr. Kim may also employ innovative technologies to tighten the undersurface of the skin, promoting a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Let Your Journey Start with Us

When you choose Dr. Kim for your submental liposuction procedure, you can rest assured you are working with a renowned facial plastic surgeon with a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. Dr. Kim's dual board certifications in Facial Plastic Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery make him a trusted choice for facial cosmetic procedures in the greater Portland area. With a focus on personalized care and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Dr. Kim and his dedicated team provide a supportive and welcoming environment where your aesthetic goals are prioritized. If you are considering submental liposuction, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael Kim to explore your options and take the first step toward achieving the enhanced facial contours you desire.

Submental Liposuction

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