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What Is a Neck Lift?

Dr. Kim's neck lift in Portland, Oregon consists of a group of customized surgical techniques that are used to improve the appearance of your jawline and neck by eliminating or removing signs of aging. Dr. Kim strategically contours the tissues of the neck through the removal of excess fat deposits and through a specialized playsmasplasty technique that eliminates vertical banding. Subsequent repositioning of excess soft tissue laxity and removal of skin is then done to restore an overall youthful neckline.

The typical incisions are made under the chin and around the ears. The amount of midface laxity and skin excess will determine the ultimate length of the incisions around the ears, but due to the lack of tension of the closure and the location of the incisions, the resultant scars become effectively invisible over a few weeks and prior to that time the hair can be worn down to cover the healing wounds.

What are the benefits of a neck lift?

  • Tightening of the laxity of the lower jawline and neck
  • Removal of excess fat and soft tissue
  • Elimination of vertical banding
  • Reduction of excess skin
  • Restoring the neck’s youthful appearance.
  • Improving confidence by making you look how you feel

Am I a suitable candidate for a neck lift?

The neck is one of the first regions to start displaying signs of aging due to myriad factors such as natural aging, weight fluctuations, genetic predisposition, environmental factors (smoking, UV exposure), and stress. Common signs of the neck or lower face include the appearance of a double chin, jowls, excess wrinkling, or loose folds of skin. As we are living longer and healthier lifestyles, many patients are seeking to match how they look on the outside with how they feel on the inside. Neck lift surgery in Portland done by Dr. Kim is one way to turn back the clock and rejuvenate your facial appearance.

What happens during the neck lift procedure?

  • Initial Consultation: Your neck lift journey will start with a consultation with Dr. Kim. During this meeting, you will discuss your areas of concern and outline your goals and expectations. Dr. Kim will then perform a comprehensive face and neck examination followed by discussing a treatment plan. Lastly, clinical photos will be taken for pretreatment planning and documentation.
  • Anesthesia: The vast majority of Dr. Kim’s neck lift surgeries are safely and comfortably conducted under IV sedation (no breathing tube). In our experience, patients recover quicker with IV sedation, but we do have the option of performing general anesthesia if this is preferred after a discussion between the patient and anesthesia provider.
  • Surgery Location: All of Dr. Kim’s surgeries are performed at Bridge City Surgery Center. This state-of-the-art surgical suite is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF) and was specifically created for facial aesthetic surgery to be performed in an intimate and safe setting that is staffed by professionals hand-picked by Dr. Kim.
  • Incisions: During the neck lift surgery, Dr. Kim will create incisions around your ears and under the chin line, depending on the degree of change that is required. He may remove fat and redistribute the soft tissue laxity around your neck and jawline through a variety of techniques.
  • Closing the Sutures: After making all the necessary surgical modifications, Dr. Kim will meticulously close the incisions with sutures under zero tension. These sutures will be removed about a week after surgery and over time will create inconspicuous scars that are virtually invisible.
  • Results: You will notice some bruising and swelling around your neck and lower face after the surgery. This is perfectly normal, and it will take a few weeks for all of the swelling to recede with the vast majority of swelling and bruising gone by two weeks. However, your final results will continue to mature over the course of 6-12 months.

What does a neck lift treat?

  • Excess fat deposits in the neck
  • Skin relaxation around the jawline and neck
  • Loss of jawline definition that lead to the formation of jowls
  • Vertical neck bands

Neck Lift FAQ's

How much does a neck lift cost?

Neck lift fees vary from client to client based on the extent of the work performed, the techniques used, and on whether any other procedures are undergone at the same time, such as a facelift or neck liposuction.

What procedures can I combine with my neck lift?

A neck lift can be well-paired with a facelift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, non-surgical facial rejuvenation, and neck liposuction.

What should I avoid after my neck lift?

Avoid turning your head from side to side. Refrain from bending or lifting anything. Don’t smoke or expose yourself to smoke. Make sure you don’t fall asleep in a chair.

Is the neck lift procedure safe?

All surgical procedures, including a neck lift, have some level of risk. However, patients who are in good health are excellent candidates for surgery regardless of age. If there is a question of whether a patient’s medical history will be an issue, then we will work with the patient’s primary care provder to investigate whether surgery is right for them.

Why choose Dr. Michael Kim for a neck lift?

Dr. Michael Kim is one of the most reputable double board-certified facial surgeons in the Pacific Northwest. Dr. Kim has a keen understanding of facial anatomy, and he carefully examines your skin type before the procedure to curate the ideal treatment plan for your specific needs.

Neck Lift Portland

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